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Student networking with employer at a career fair.

Make connections top with employers.

Spring Career Fairs

Environmental, Energy, Geography, Natural Resources, and Sustainability Career Fair

Wednesday, Feb 19 | 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm |  Munn Ice Arena 

Explore internship and full-time employment opportunities with companies in the Environmental, Energy, Geography, Natural Resources, and Sustainability industries.This career fair is hosted by the Career Services Network

More information on Environmental, Energy, Geography, Natural Resources, and Sustainability Career Fair


All Majors Career Fair 

Thursday, Feb 20 | 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center  

Connect with a wide range of employers seeking internship and full-time opportunities. This career fair is hosted by the Career Services Network

More information on the All Majors Career Fair 


Summer Job Fair

Wednesday, Mar 26 | 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm | MSU Student Services Building

Looking for a summer job? This event will showcase internships, part-time employment and volunteer opportunities from all industries. This career fair is hosted by the Career Services Network

More information on the Summer Job Career Fair 

Employer Events at Career Café

Students can connect with a unique offering of employers at the Career Cafe, located in the College of Engineering lobby. Bring your resume and grab a free snack! 

Engineering Week Edition (Michigan focused)

Monday, February 17 | West-Michigan Companies

Tuesday, February 18 | Mid-Michigan Companies

Wednesday, February 19 | Detroit Area Companies 


Wednesday, February 26th | 11am-2pm


Career Cafe Employer Networking Event
Handshake logo

Our online recruiting system, Handshake, connects employers with MSU students. Students can research companies, apply for jobs, register for events and send peers questions. 

Use the Handshake Guide to get started today!

Plus check out our 5 tips for making the most of Handshake!

1. Upload your updated resume This will help you complete your profile + you'll need it to start applying to jobs!

2. Complete your Career Interests. This helps ensure you will see the most relevant jobs and events in the system.

3. Update your privacy preferences to make sure employers can message you and make sure your resume is public.

4. Follow employers and jobs your are interested in. This way you'll get notified of new jobs, application deadlines and event registrations for your top employers.

5. Create Saved Searches to have new jobs emailed to you weekly!

LinkedIn Logo

LinkedIn is a great platform to uncover potential Spartan friendly opportunities, to search for jobs, and make connections with people who work in jobs and at companies of interest. 


Check out our tips for optimizing LinkedIn.​

1. Build your LinkedIn profile. A complete profile makes it easier for recruiters to find you. ​

2. Build your Job Search Alerts and Job Preferences to receive relevant job postings via email and make it easier for recruiters to find you. 

3. Network like a champion! Read Chapter 8 in WHO Logic to learn how to build a networking and communication plan. You can do this!

Check out our Michigan State University Engineering Connection LinkedIn Group!

Other helpful resources


We frequently distribute resume books to employers that reach out to us.  Maximize your odds of finding a co-op by dropping your (updated) resume! Join our Co-op/Intern Engineering Resume Book | Summer 2025


Did you know you can get credit for your internship or co-op? Once you have secured employment head over to the EGRx webpage to learn more.


MSU hires more than 17,000 students per year! Check out this list of current on-campus jobs posted in Handshake. Some departments might post on their own site, for those check out MSU department resources. Interested in Undergraduate Research? Check out research opportunities


Here are a few of our favorite job boards (besides Handshake)


If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a job or internship posting, please contact No legitimate employer will send payment in advance and ask the employee to send a portion of it back. DO NOT provide any personal information especially social security numbers or financial information! Find more tips on avoiding scams here.

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