Earn credit for your work experience
EGR X is a one credit course designed to enhance a student's experiential education work term by simulating opportunities for non-technical aspects of professional development and assessment of expectations. In addition, student will be guided through an in depth appraisal of their post-graduation professional options. Students will be held to a high standard of accountability and professional ideals. Position must fall within college’s guidelines for approval. Any on-campus position must be pre-approved. Contact Dr. B @ friedric@egr.msu.edu
In order to get credit for an experience students MUST BE working in the position during the semester that you are enrolled in EGR X. You can not get credit for a internship/co-op after the experiences has ended.
What course should I take?
EGR 193
Intro to Experiential Education
“The Virtual Internship Experience”
(Summer Only)
For students who have not secured an internship. Areas of focus are based on the student’s class year and include networking, social and professional development, and technical skill building.
EGR 391
Experiential Education I
For students participating in their 1st work term. Areas of focus are based on the student’s individual technical position and include professional communication, establishing expectations, and learning from failures.
EGR 392
Engineering Experiential Education II
For students participating in their 2nd work term. Areas of focus are based on the student’s technical position and include goal setting, being mindful for professional success, and understanding diversity and inclusion.
EGR 493
Advanced Engineering Experiential Education I
For students participating in their 3rd work term. Areas of focus are based on the student’s technical position and include professional ethics, economics and lifelong learning.
EGR 494
Advanced Engineering Experiential Education II
For students participating in their 4th or 5th work term. Areas of focus are based on the student’s technical position and include project management, work life balance, and value propositions.
*Pre-approval required for 5th term
Cooperative Education Certificate
If a student takes and passes EGR X for three semesters they will receive a notation on their transcript that indicates a “Certificate in Cooperative Engineering Education”
The following majors have created a “waiver” for an elective for any student who completes three experiential education courses: Biosystems, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Materials Science. Requirements vary depending on department, please discuss your options with your academic advisor. EGR 193 does not count towards this waiver for any department.
Elective and major credit
Financial Considerations
Students enrolled in any of the experiential education courses will receive a tuition waiver that covers the cost of tuition for the EGR X course only, plus half of any engineering fee applied for the semester of enrollment. This tuition waiver is specific to an active enrollment in the EGR X courses.
Supervisor Communications
Please note that as a registered participant in EGR X, you are required to provide the name and contact information for your work site supervisor. During the course of the semester your supervisor will be contacted to complete an evaluation of your work place performance, based on ABET Accreditation Outcomes.